Dragon ball tap battle english translation
Dragon ball tap battle english translation

+ Mystic Gohan:Hp+5 MP+6 DEF+7 POW+6 BOOST+3 each stats point add. + Gohan:Hp+4 MP+5 DEF+4 POW+5 BOOST+3 each stats point add. + Vegeta:Hp+4 MP+4 DEF+3 POW+4 BOOST+2 each stats point add. + Character: + Goku : Hp+3 MP+4 DEF+3 POW+3 BOOST+2 each stats point add. Drop ball : easy level drop ball lvl 1, medium level drop ball lvl 2 & lvl 3. Dragon Ball can be upgraded to higher levels with 2 Dragon Balls of the same type.

Dragon ball tap battle english translation

+ Dragon Ball System - Increase% Health Points, Mana Points, Defend, Power Point depending on the level of dragon ball. Drop : Piccolo drop card skill piccolo, vegeta drop card skill vegeta. Card can be upgraded to higher levels with 2 cards of the same type. + Characters Become stronger Rapidly Strengthening in the card or Dragon Ball! + Power card system: - Recovers Health Point, Mana point, Defend, Power Point when below 20% Health. Super beam: can be defended and can be countered, can not be dodged. Move up and down or defense to prevent attacks - You will have 3 types of attacks: small beam, beam and super beam (ultimate skill) - Beam and small beam: can be countered, can be defended, can be dodged. + Including Vegeta and Goku, fighting action to be able to enjoy in the various characters! => Ipad Version : + Controls: - That fight revived in tap operation! Operation and implementation of the attack is determined by the tap. And more exp, stats point after win battle.

Dragon ball tap battle english translation

  • The installation of the app by means of the APK file requires the activation of the "Unknown sources" option within Settings>Applications.- Hot battle Dragon Ball here now! - Dragon Ball Z - ChiBi Tap Battle - Easy to Playing with 100 stats point.
  • Without a doubt, a two-dimensional fighting game with excellent graphics that, despite being translated into Portuguese (and with a few words in Japanese), it won't give us any trouble to handle it. It will allow us to move our character around the screen and launch destructive attacks and it will all depend on how and where we place our finger: we'll be able to unleash Kame-Hames, reload our energy bar, fly.

    Dragon ball tap battle english translation

    In this game, we can control almost all the characters of the famous anime such as Goku, Vegeta, Freezer or Gohan and do so with some really precise controls that we're not used to seeing on mobile touchscreens and in which case, we only have to tap the screen. It's a 2D fighting game that's based on the system that made titles of the likes of Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat so popular: fighting head to head with an energy bar that indicates the character's life. However, an old-school fan of this anime has decided to make his own adaptation for Android and thanks to the latter we can make the most of Dragon Ball: Tap Battle. Dragon Ball FighterZ is an official Dragon Ball game that has been released for PC as well as video consoles of the likes of PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

    Dragon ball tap battle english translation