Once you've selected the icon you consider the most suitable, press the "Set" button and you're all changed! Unfortunately, not every icon you select can be changed and in the end, it often becomes more tedious changing the hundreds of icons on your PC than just leaving them as they are. IconChanger allows you to automatically search for icons contained in various executable files and DLLs saved on your hard drive. In the IconPane you will see the content of the file containing the icon used for the current object. You can assign or reset icons for multiple objects at once and to set or reset an icon for a file type, you can launch Icon Changer for any file of the desired type. 2 days ago &0183 &32 The color of the ocean has changed significantly over the last 20 years and human-caused climate change is likely responsible, according to a new study. If Icon Changer can change its icon, you will see the Change Icon symbol but bear in mind that not all icons can be changed. To use it, select the file you wish to personalize and right click it with your mouse. You can use IconChanger to change personal file icons by assigning an icon of your choice to each and every file on your computer. One great way to personalise your desktop is to customise your icons. Now, I know I can use a shortcut with whatever icon I want, but what I'm looking to do is change the icon without the executable itself. Icons are one of the main ways we identify programs and documents but they can often be bland and boring especially those default ones assigned by Windows. How can I replace icons of an application's executable I have an application whose executable contains some default icon.